“I’ve started this process with Sara and it’s a cathartic and emotional and incredible experience. My oldest is almost 5 and reliving her birth (something I have never put on paper but was nonetheless one of the most consequential experiences of my life) has been exciting and emotional for me. It’s hard, during the day to day, to recall your first moments of pure joy and head-over-heels-in-love feelings experienced at birth. I have since recalled the experience from my second baby as well, and having just given birth for the third (and last!) time, will get this documented ASAP. These accounts will accompany any other keepsakes from the kid’s births… pictures, medical bracelets, etc… in a most meaningful way. Just wanted to show my support for this great service, coming from someone who would *like* to do this on my own but have not found the time nor initiative.”

Eva     brooklyn, ny


“Thank you again for offering this service and holding space for birth stories. What important and impactful work! Thank you, as well, for following up with these thoughtful resources. It means so much to know there are others out there who felt similarly and found empowerment and/or peace in their experiences.”

liz     providence, ri


“Doing this was so incredibly cathartic! Thank you!”

Allison     camden, ct